Leading People
Gerry Murray talks to leading people about leading people. Get insights and tips from thought leaders about how to bring out the best in yourself and others.
Leading People
How to Leverage your Most Precious Resource
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This is the podcast for leaders who want to bring out the best in themselves and others.
One Simple Thing
Imagine starting your day with a win that propels you closer to your goals, be it personal well-being, family priorities, or professional milestones.
Tune in, test out this One Simple Thing, and witness the transformation it can bring to your day and your leadership journey.
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Welcome to Leading People with me, gerry Marais. This week, it's One Simple Thing, where in each episode, I share a quick, actionable tip to help you bring out the best in yourself and others the best in yourself and others. One simple thing is created for young leaders, but hey, us older folks can still learn a thing or two. Ask my dog he's learned a few new tricks recently. Here's a question for you what's the one resource we all have in equal measure, but can never get more of? Yes, you guessed it Time. Yet so many of us act as if it's unlimited. How's about a perspective shift? Treat your time like your most valuable asset. Why? Because it is. You can always make more money, but you can't make more time Once it's gone. It's gone, gone, gone, gone. This is especially true when you become a leader. You discover that your time is no longer your own. You've got people working for you who want more and more of your precious resource. By the way, the other precious resource you have as a leader wait for it is influence. Yes, but there'll be more about having greater influence in a future. One Simple Thing episode. So let's get to this week's tip.
Speaker 1:For years, I struggled with overcommitting, saying yes to everything and everyone. Everyone, really yes, everyone. What I realized the hard way is this Every yes to something unimportant is a no to something truly meaningful, like your health, your family or your professional growth. This is not to say that your team is not important Of course they are. However, you have an obligation as a leader to role model for them how to use time effectively. So here's one simple thing you can try tonight.
Speaker 1:Before you end your day, take five minutes to plan your most important task, or MIT, for tomorrow. Write it down when you wake up. Protect the first part of your day to focus on that task without distractions. That means no distractions, no emails, unless they're part of your MIT, and even then you don't need to open your email program to write an email. And even then you don't need to open your email program to write an email. No messages. What no messages? Yes, just you and your MIT, your most important task.
Speaker 1:So you may be wondering why does this work? Well, starting your day with a win sets the tone for success. It gives you a sense of accomplishment, clarity and momentum. You'll feel great knowing that you've handled what truly matters to you before the day starts to pull you in a million directions. In fact, your MIT, your most important task, gets you closer to achieving your goals, or your KPIs, or your OKRs, whatever. Don't you just love a TLA Three-letter acronym. So what are you waiting for? Just go test it out. Just go test it out.
Speaker 1:Thanks for tuning in. Remember, small steps can lead to big changes. Test out this one simple thing and notice how it transforms your day. Let me know how you get on. Reach out on LinkedIn and connect with me. Mention the podcast and if you'd like to learn more One Simple Things, then subscribe to this podcast on your favorite podcast channel and follow our LinkedIn Leading People page. Follow our LinkedIn leading people page. In our next episode of One Simple Thing, we'll explore another easy way to be a great leader by bringing out the best in yourself and those around you. And in between, you can check out one of my longer conversations with leading people above. Yes, you've guessed it leading people. So until then, keep exploring and stay curious.