Leading People

How to revolutionise your thinking and make wiser decisions

Gerry Murray Season 1 Episode 24

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A while back I came across an intriguing article on the BBC Worklife website. It was written by this week's guest, David Robson

I later went on to purchase his excellent and extremely well-researched book entitled The Intelligence Trap

In this conversation, we chat about both the Intelligence Trap and David's forthcoming book The Expectation Effect and David reveals some fascinating insights into how so many smart people make dumb decisions and how to revolutionise your thinking so you can make wiser decisions. 

During our conversation, David explains how he came to write his new book, The Expectation Effect, and he shares some of the intriguing insights he gleaned from his research into sleep, exercise, food and much more...

He also provides us with his top tips for how to avoid the intelligence trap and improve your mindset so you can get the most out of the expectation effect. 

So, why not head over to your favourite podcast channel and dive in...

Meet your host, Gerry Murray

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